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PRESTIGEenterprise 5.3.1 Release

PRESTIGEenterprise Release 5.3.1 - What you should know about the new version

Our PRESTIGEenterprise software platform is entering the next round with version 5.3.1. In addition to system stability and reliability, the new version, which has been available since March, focusses on data processing and data analysis. In addition, digital media management has been further simplified and the API has been expanded to include additional output media.

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Alexa Voice

EHI Omnichannel Days:

Online Software presents voice-based solutions for omnichannel retailing Voice assistants such as Alexa and Siri are also becoming increasingly popular in Germany. This is why Online Software is presenting at the EHI Omnichannel Days

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Online Software AG

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