Online Software AG

ISE 2013: Online Software presents Digital Signage Advertising on the Shelf

Multimedia Shelf mit Personen am Tablet im StoreMultimedia Shelf mit Personen am Tablet im Store
Weinheim, 3rd December 2012 +++ Online Software AG will be presenting its current portfolio in Hall 10 (Stand S118) at the 10th Integrated Systems Europe (ISE), the largest trade fair for digital media in Europe, from the 29th to the 31st of January 2013. The software company, which is one of the top digital signage suppliers with the web-based software suite PRESTIGEenterprise, is presenting digital signage solutions with a main focus on the retail industry at the ISE 2013 at Amsterdam. This year the highlights are hands-on solutions for digital pricing and advertising on the shelf. With the multimedia shelves, equipped with mini electronic screens, and a software interface for graphic electronic shelf labels (ESL), Online Software AG has been able to put forward two technical highlights this year. Furthermore, trade show visitors have the opportunity to find out about the overall product portfolio, which includes the following: digital POS technology such as flatscreens, kiosk systems, scales, touchscreens, apps, as well as software solutions for printed price communication and advertising. Interface for Electronic Shelf Labels In close cooperation with ZBD Displays Limited, it has been achieved to completely integrate graphic ESLs with PRESTIGEenterprise. Communication with ESLs via the standard interface permits to display images, graphics and manufacturer logos on high-resolution LCD displays. This allows the software to use the electronic shelf labels as a further media for price communication and advertising at the POS. Successful Product Advertising on the Shelf Online Software AG also offers a unique form of POS communication with its multimedia shelve labels, which stand out due to their fantastic brilliance of colour and dynamic moving sequences. The digital shelve label makes it possible for the marketing team to use emotional images, videos and animations as well as the classic price labelling. In this way, products on the shelf become “animated”, creating an enormous advertising impact. In addition, they can be effectively supported through coupon and prize competition campaigns. The rapid repositioning of shelf label content also creates a completely new form of flexibility.
About Online Software AG Online Software AG is a modern, innovative software company focussing on the development of solutions for the international wholesaler and retailer. Online is the market leader in the area of professional branch advertising with the poster and label-printing software PRESTIGE having over 31,000 installations in 35 countries and in 20 languages. Online supports his customers in cross-media marketing of products using the market-leading PRESTIGE software. PRESTIGE supports all kind of media such as posters and shelf labels, as well as new technologies only to mention flat-screen monitors, kiosk systems, scale systems or touch screens even using RFID to trigger an event.
Further information: Online Software AG Bergstrasse 31 69469 Weinheim, Germany Sandy Schulze Marketing Manager Tel.: +49 – 6201 – 99 88 – 682 Fax: +49 – 6201 – 99 88 – 77
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