• Simple. Better. Advertise. PRESTIGE


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  • Simple. Better. Advertise. PRESTIGE


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  • Simple. Better. Advertise. PRESTIGE


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One software – Many possibilities

Professional customer communication at the POS can be so simple!

PRESTIGEenterprise is a web-based, platform independent business solution for cross media communications at the POS. This means you can design, print and distribute your entire promotional communication – print, digital and mobile. The software adapts itself perfectly to your existing IT environment and organizes your entire content and distribution management, from design to distribution and print scheduling.

This creates ideal conditions for modern customer communication and increased revenue.

Angebotsplakat Fashion wormland


PRESTIGEenterprise for your printed promotional material

  • Posters DIN A5 to DIN A0
  • Price labels also in special formats
  • Shelf labels
  • Shelf stoppers
  • Ceiling and end-of-aisle display hanger
  • Posters for stand-up displays
Pfeilstetter Poing 2015 Digital Signage Angebotsdisplay Lebensmitteleinzelhandel

Digital Signage

PRESTIGEenterprise for your digital output media

Grafik CloseUp Tablet im Meeting


PRESTIGEenterprise for mobile solutions

Your advantages in overview

  • + Store-wide advertising planning
  • + Consistent appearance
  • + Modular structure
  • + Simple template management with many features
  • + Higher level of automation
  • + Multistep user role management
  • + 17 language versions
Food Retail - Template design with PRESTIGEenterprise

One software – Many possibilities!

PRESTIGEenterprise Standard
The professional software gives you cross-media, consistent customer communication within your store. Individual customisations to the business processes can be easily achieved via PRESTIGEenterprise Services and a comprehensive selection of interfaces allows connections to all common merchandise management systems and marketing databases – perfectly integrated into your existing IT landscape.


  • PRESTIGEenterrpise is installed in your own server landscape
  • In-house security measures for service offerings to third party systems (SAP / ERP etc.)
  • Purchase includes PRESTIGE 8 for independent design of templates
  • Purchase includes SQL-Server 2012 Express as the central database

Suitable for large enterprises with their own server landscapes. Security measures for interfacing to third party systems can be independently implemented. Infrastructure matters are independently handled by the organisation.

Maximal use with minimal start-up overhead!

PRESTIGEenterprise as a Service 
Use PRESTIGEenterprise without service scope limitations for your individual price and promotional communication, without the requirement of an in-house server. PRESTIGEenterprise as a Service is modularly built and can grow with your price and promotional communication requirements. Perfectly suitable for small and medium-sized retail organisations.


  • Minimal investment and installation costs
  • Online Software AG assumes the installation, administration, maintenance and data backup of the system
  • The entire PRESTIGEenterprise range of services can be used – Users, PrintEngines or DisplayEngines can be added at any time
  • Includes a selection of templates for print and digital media (static and animated)

Suitable for small to medium-sized businesses without their own server landscapes. It is possible to lease the server as well the licenses or to lease only the server and to purchase the licenses. When purchasing the licenses it is possible to move these to your own system at a later time.

Template management

Create your own posters and digital content easily by yourself. With PRESTIGEenterprise you can design many templates for the most diverse occasions by means of pre-defined fields for text, price, image, logo or video.

You only need to select the template and thanks to the database interface on your system, the template is automatically filled with the correct content – in your corporate design.

For a consistent appearance with a high recognition value.

The most important features

For professional, cross-media advertising planning at the POS and the perfect presence at the right time and in the right place, a multitude of intelligent modules and functions are available to you in PRESTIGEenterprise.

We are happy to introduce you to the most important features. Simply visit our 20 minute web session or contact our customer service at +49 6221 40508-685 or via Email info@online-software-ag.de.

Infinity Shopping Shelf

Digital shelves as eye catchers for special promotions

Animated templates

Create an animated template with the Google Web Designer.


Automatic order transfer an printing service providers

PRESTIGEenterprise Services

With the help of PRESTIGEenterprise Services it is possible to directly access the data and functions of PRESTIGEenterprise via the programming interface. This data can be made accessible to third party providers to create their own web application with a customer-specific user interface. In this way it is possible to specifically single out individual workflows or functionalities to make working for employees simpler and more efficient.

Display Engine H5

DisplayEngine H5 is a HTML5 and JavaScript based web application for which no installation is necessary. With it images, animated product price posters and WebM videos may be displayed online and offline with the HTML5 capable Google Chrome web browser. With DisplayEngine H5, PRESTIGEenterprise gives users the freedom to choose between Windows, Linux and Android for the use of their devices.

Price formatting

The automated base price calculation of PRESTIGEenterprise software fulfills all legal requirements and allows for the correct display of quantities and pricing information on your POS media. This calculation contains the updating of base prices, as soon as the sale price or the quantities change.

A defined rounding mode can be set via configuration for the base price. “Always round up”, “always round down” or “commercial rounding” are available.

Store dependent data and content

Each store can be individually supplied with store dependent prices and product text. With this feature product data that is the same for all stores is maintained as master data. All store specific portions, such as price, but also individual product text, are specifically provided for each store.

Content, such as media and templates, can also be assigned to various user groups. In this way media and templates, for example, can be made available explicitly only for the head office, for various stores or only for select departments.

XML import

The PRESTIGEenterprise interface to merchandise management occurs via a standard interface. An even simpler and more flexible connection to merchandise management is possible via the use of XML data formats, and the data can be made available quickly and without high memory load. XML import is possible for product data, poster folders, playlists and events.

Advertising success monitoring

The “advertising success monitoring” feature provides you the ability to monitor the success of the price and promotional communication at the POS. For instance the entire display duration for a product within a defined time period can be determined on one screen. As well the frequency of display for a product can be determined. With this all actually displayed content can be collected and evaluated. A meaningful basis for comprehensive data mining and its use for effective advertising success monitoring in correlation to sales is created.

© 2024 Online Software AG, Forum 7, 69126 Heidelberg
