dfv Conference Group


Mobile: Apps

Logo dfv Conference Group References

Congresses: 40

The dfv Conference Group develops, organises and designs congresses and conferences for a wide range of industries and topics as an event subsidiary of the dfv media group:

  • Supermarket Stars
  • Dairy Congress
  • German Meat Congress
  • New Food Strategy Day
  • Future dialogue on agriculture and nutrition
  • The dfv Conference Group has been relying on the PRESTIGEenterprise AppBaukasten from Online Software AG for its retail events since 2018.

    The mobile portal of the PRESTIGEenterprise software facilitates the maintenance of content and allows changes to be made independently at short notice. All important key data for the event can be stored here, whether it's the agenda, directions or a list of partners and sponsors.

    In addition to the pure information modules, the app can also be used for live polls, questions to the speakers, chatting between participants and for feedback. Participants can also receive ad-hoc notifications on their smartphones with push messages.

    dfv Conference Group

    We want to offer our participants the service of an app so that they can access all relevant information on their smartphone at any time. The app has also significantly increased the number of questions to the speakers.

    Cornelia Klaas
    Senior Project Manager, dfv Conference Group

    Eventapp - Supermarket Stars

    The app from the PRESTIGEenterprise AppBaukasten online software is used intensively by the more than 422 participants at our "Supermarket Stars" event. In the app, guests can find all the important information about the event and the evening awards ceremony, where the best retailers are honoured. Sponsors exhibiting at the event can also introduce themselves in the app. A location map - also in the app - makes it easier to find specific exhibitors. Just as useful is the (password-protected) directory of participants, which lists all the participants present. Not only are the questions to the speakers popular, but also the gallery in which we publish the pictures of the event after the event.

    Linda Schneider
    Senior Marketing Manager, LZ MEDIEN

    Online Software AG

    Visit us in the Forum 7, 69126 Heidelbergor contact us online.

    +49 6221 40508-0


    +49 6221 40508-0
