One topic is moving the trade: the EnSikuMaV - Ordinance on Securing the Energy Supply via Short-Term Measures, which came into force on 1 September 2022 and ends on 28 February 2023.
Section 11, which contains a restriction on the use of illuminated advertising structures, is important for retailers. It states:
"...The operation of illuminated or light-emitting advertising systems is prohibited from 10 p.m. to 4 p.m. the following day..."
As things stand today, this applies to lettering and LED walls but not to screens in shop windows and shops. However, there is a heated debate and the government is expected to make improvements, which will include extensions to the relevant advertising elements and a tightening of the criteria.
We are in favour of setting an example of solidity even without legal pressure and recommend voluntarily switching off all screens between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. the following day or at least after closing time until opening on the following day. Retailers are thus making a publicly visible contribution to the current energy situation.
In doing so, you are sending a visible signal to your customers and supporting the political approach within a tolerable framework. At the same time, you are preventing a possible tightening of the restrictions and preventing the initiatives that are currently campaigning for advertising-free cities due to light pollution etc. from being strengthened.
On our own behalf
The "night shift" function of our PRESTIGEenterprise software enables a simple time changeover, e.g. when opening hours change. In this case, it is perfect for setting the permitted times of a legally prescribed usage restriction.
If you have any questions about our energy-saving tool, you can contact our hotline on +49 6221 4050844.