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Multi-article posters

Multi-article posters in PRESTIGEenterprise

Posters that pack a punch

Multi-part offers can be summarised and updated in a poster with just a few clicks using the multi-item poster module. Each item is linked to the merchandise management system or any database and is automatically adjusted on your poster as soon as any changes are made to the master data. This gives your customers several complementary products at a glance.

Many articles - little effort

Accuracy is particularly important for multi-part offers, such as furniture sets or porcelain series, in which various matching individual parts are listed. This is where PRESTIGEenterprise once again proves its strength in the automation of processes, because if prices or item descriptions are changed in the item master, the multi-item posters enable all data on your posters to be updated immediately. This makes your work easier and avoids errors.

Benefits and advantages

  • Practical: The desired data can be compiled with just a few clicks
  • Time-saving: quick and uncomplicated changes
  • Promoting sales: complementary articles inspire purchases
  • Automated: Centralised master data maintenance - automatic updating of poster content
  • Clear: Everything at a glance for greater clarity and a lower error rate

Functionality and working methods

with multi-article posters

As usual, you can also create templates for multi-article posters with PRESTIGEenterprise and then use them for both print and display.

Items can be entered either from the workstation PC or with the MobileBrowser add-on module via mobile data entry devices and smartphones. Both the single item search and the item search can be used to add items. Both individual items and a selection of items can be added, deleted or changed directly via the MobileBrowser.

Find out more at: PRESTIGEenterprise - MobileBrowser PRESTIGEenterprise - MobileBrowser

Possible applications

Multi-article posters are typically used in the DIY and furniture sectors, but also in bistros, travel agencies and supermarkets.

Example bathroom furniture department: Would you like to advertise a bathroom series consisting of a vanity unit, wall cabinet and mirror cabinet? With the multi-item posters, you can display both an offer price for the entire set and the individual prices of the products. In the event that a new batch of mirror cabinets arrives at a lower price, the price, name and image will change automatically depending on the setting and structure of the poster.

Online Software AG

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