Grafik viscom Digital Signage best practice Award 2009

Online wins the viscom-award

Online Software AG, Weinheim has been awarded the “Digital Signage Best Practice Award 2009” on the occasion of the viscom 2009 trade fair. This award, presented by an international expert jury, honours the “Digital price and advertising communication at dodenhof” project as the best digital signage implementation in the European trade. Within the scope of viscom, the leading trade fair for visual communication, the solution of Online Software AG was presented with this year’s “Digital Signage Best Practice Award 2009” award by a jury comprising international experts on 2 October 2009. The implementation of the “Digital price and advertising communication at dodenhof” project, using Online Software AG’s PRESTIGEenterprise solution, was convincing. The expert jury thereby honours it as an “especially efficient planned, creatively implemented, innovative and successful digital signage application” in a retail company. The project was “an excellent example of how an owner-operated, modern digital signage installation can be implemented by the retail customer itself in a customer-oriented fashion”.”The decisive factor in the award of this most important digital signage award was, that the rock solid installation with only one software could be  used by the customer itself to drive all display media such as displays, scales and monitor walls simply, cost- and time-efficiently in-house”, according to the jury. The impressive digital signage installation in one of the largest retail companies in North Germany was implemented in 2009 by Online Software AG based on the PRESTIGEenterprise software solution. Together with Nordland systems as responsible solution partner and in close cooperation with the retail customer “dodenhof” more than 160 flat screen monitors are currently being operated successfully. Additional information regarding Online Software AG Online Software AG is a modern, innovative software company focussing on the development of solutions for the international wholesaler and retailer. Online is the market leader in the area of professional branch advertising using the poster and label-printing PRESTIGEenterprise software with more than 30,000 installations in 35 countries and in 20 languages. Online thereby supports the trade in cross-media marketing of products using the market-leading PRESTIGEenterprise software which makes use of classic media, such as posters and shelf labels, as well as new technologies. Additional marketing concepts such as flat-screen monitors, kiosk systems, scale systems or touch screens using RFID are used already by several retail companies. Additional information: Online Software AG Bergstrasse 31 69469 Weinheim, Germany Kirstin Hoffmann PR & Marketing Tel.: +49 – 6201 – 99 88 – 683 Fax: +49 – 6201 – 99 88 – 77 Sandy Schulze Marketing Manager Tel.: +49 – 6201 – 99 88 – 682 Fax: +49 – 6201 – 99 88 – 77